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Assisting in the next stage of growth


Professional management and Corporate Governance


Your privately controlled business group may be on a growth path. It may have reached a stage of national importance. What does it do next? How can it continue to grow? What is happening globally? How will global trends influence it? When a Group has reached a certain size and the ownership structure becomes more complex, the decision making process tends to become more widespread amongst a number of members of the business.



The power at the top may dilute to such an extent that it would be difficult to continue steering the group in a top down way. Directors and managers may have taken over a number of the business units and they may be steering them in the direction they feel is best. This might not necessarily be congruent with the overall policy and direction which a CEO, chairperson and shareholders may necessarily wish.



Managing the change


Solutions for Aspiring Emerging Multinationals


These are very delicate periods for such top people. Unless there is a clear trust at the top, the business might become unwieldy and lead to a breakdown into separate power blocks consisting of people who might continue with their faithful alliance to a particular block or set of people.


There is no magic wand to these problems, however, attending one of our proprietary GEGN initiation programs will allow you to go through a structured evaluation process for your conglomerate and learn the best way forward. You will be guided by world leading experts in the field who will take you through the process and transfer knowledge of best practice in this area.











• Join our GEGN External Forum

• Watch out for our next Owner and Director Professionalisation workshops in Europe, Asia, Middle East and Latin America.

• Find out about our services for Emerging Country Conglomerates in  Corporate Strategy and International Marketing.

Learn how to professionally develop your next generation into the business within an influential diversified group  in a tough global marketplace.


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